2016 Land Rover LR4

  • 2016 Land Rover LR4

    Land Rover LR4
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • PAYABLE: $1147.80 DEDUCTIBLE: $200 AUTH: C100132471 PARTS/LABOR WARRANTY: 12K MI12MO EMAIL: invoices@veritasglobal.com
    • Confirmed internal failure to parking brake module. Recommend replacing worn park brake shoes at time of module.
    • Lubricated lower tailgate latch components and will monitor. If issue persists, will need to replace latch.
    • All prior work looks good and is sealed up tight, no leaks present.
    • Replaced failed park brake module and worn park brake shoes. Test drove vehicle.
    Mark M. gave our service a 5 star review on 12/19/2023


Biggs Eastside Rovers
12700 Bel Red Rd
Bellevue, WA98005-2626
(425) 688-0080

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